Tuesday, January 5, 2016


Suggested Piece: 12" Electric Oil Core Skillet & 5 Quart Wok

Assemble your ingredients

Add about that much coconut oil (or any oil with a high smoke point).

Pour in your popcorn kernels... just enough to cover the bottom of your skillet.

Using your 5 Quart Wok as a lid (or in this case a popcorn bowl) cover and set your skillet temperature to 450F. After a few minutes you'll begin to hear the *ting-ting-ting* of popcorn popping! Cook until the popping sound becomes less frequent.

Unplug the probe from the outlet and the skillet. Hold onto your skillet & wok handles and invert so that your wok is on the bottom and skillet is now the lid. Slowly lift the skillet off the wok and...
VOILA! Perfect Popcorn!

Want a little buttery love with that fluffy goodness? Don't bother plugging your skillet back in... just toss a couple tablespoons of butter into your already hot skillet and watch it melt. Once it's all melted pour over your popcorn and add a dash of sea salt!

Now toss those packets of microwave popcorn in the trash! A read up on why they're so harmful to your health here.

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