Meats & Fish

Frying Meats
Preheat on MEDIUM-HIGH for 5 minutes. A piece of paper towel placed in the unit before heating should turn brown when the unit is the proper temperature, or drops of cold water should bead and dance.  Place meat in hot pan and press down to sear. Remember, it is not NECESSARY to use any oil or grease. Meat will stick at first, but will release when properly browned.

Roasting Meats
Preheat on MEDIUM HIGH for five (5) minutes.  A piece of paper towel placed in the unit before heating should turn brown when the unit is the proper temperature, or drops of cold water should bead and dance.  Sear meat on both sides without covering.  Add vegetables, seasoning and cover.  When Vapo-Valve clicks steadily or lid is hot to the touch and moisture gathers around the lip, lower heat until Vapo-Valve stops clicking.  Ready to eat after 15 minutes per pound….cuts with a fork after 30 minutes per pound.

Baked Fish
Start with a cold pan.  An option is to cover bottom of unit with slices lemons or oranges.  Add fish, season and cover.  Medium heat.  When Vapo-Valve clicks steadily, turn to low.  Fish will be flaky & tender after 3 to 5 minutes.  Time will depend on thickness of fillet.

Cooking Poultry
There are 3 basic methods for cooking poultry on top of the stove: braising, range-top roasting and pan-frying with little or no added fats.

BRAISING: This method of first browning then cooking in liquid is particularly good for bone-in pieces or whole poultry.
How-to: Preheat pan (usually skillet or roaster) over medium heat for 2 to 3 minutes, until a few drops of water splashed in the pan bead and dance. Cook poultry on all sides until browned. Add 1/4 cup liquid (water, wine, or broth, for example), or as required by recipe. Cover; when Vapo-Valve clicks, reduce heat to low and cook according to the chart.

Cooking poultry requires an emphasis on food safety. Never under-cook poultry. Juices should run clear when the meat is pierced with a fork. After handling raw poultry, carefully wash hands, knives, cutting boards, plates and any other utensils. This cuts the risk of contaminating another food with salmonella bacteria, sometimes found on raw poultry.
Always refrigerate poultry in a leak-proof container so the juices do not contaminate other foods. As with other meats, frozen poultry should be thawed in the refrigerator, when time allows. To hasten thawing, place frozen poultry in a large saucepan or roaster; cover with cold water and let stand at room temperature, changing water about every 30 to 40 minutes.

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