Fruits & Vegetables

Remember that pans should be at least 2/3 full. Avoid peeling vegetables whenever possible, since much of the vitamins and nutrients are in the skins. Follow this simple two step process:
  1. Place fresh vegetables in correct size pan. Sprinkle vegetables with a tablespoons of water. This restores the water lost during shipping and storage. When using frozen vegetables, simply place them in the pan; do not rinse.
  2. Cover pan and place over medium heat. When the Vapo-Valve clicks, reduce heat to low. Begin timing vegetables after the heat is truned to low, according to the suggested times below.
Other Tips:
  • Watch for food particles preventing seal.
  • Create a water seal by putting a few tablespoons of water on top of the lid.
  • Many vegetables may be cooked in the same pan.
  • Watch for tilted burners- these can cause all condensation necessary to activate seal to run to one side, preventing a proper vacuum.
  • Cook more temperature sensitive vegetables on top of more hearty vegetables. (e.g. cook broccoli on top of carrots)
  • You may consider adding a tablespoon of water to the pan until you find the true mediums and lows on your stove.
Potatoes, Yams, Turnips and other Starchy Vegetables:
These vegetables should be well rinsed and drained. This leaves tiny water droplets on the surface of the vegetable which aids in activating the Vapo-Valve. Suggested cuts: #3 & #5 cones

“Encapsulated” or Dry Vegetables:
Some vegetables will not release sufficient moisture to activate the Vapo-ValveRinse and drain broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, and Brussels sprouts. Select a lower medium heat, and then reduce to low when Vapo-Valve clicks steadily. For corn on the cob; husk corn, rinse husks under the tap water, then place like a bed in the bottom of a cold pan. Start on medium heat, when Vapo-Valve begins to click turn temperature setting to low for 10 - 12 minutes. Incredible flavor!

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Lemon Butter Shrimp and Zoodles

Suggested Piece: 10" Deep Skillet with Utility Rack Ingredients 12 large shrimp 1 lemon 2-4 tbsp butter 2-3 zucchini (#3 cone) F...